Saturday, November 8, 2008
Hi Everyone!!!
My mom and I just had a glass of wine and cheered to VALLEY FEVER!!! Thank you so much for your prayers...right before I left the hospital tonight we received the news that John is clear of meningitis! We are so grateful and thankful for God's protection and faithfulness.
John will be coming home tomorrow night. He has to lay flat after his spinal tap procedure, therefore he has to wait until 5:00 pm. He is still very tired and staying on his pain medication to control it. He will be resting at home for the next week, but WE are so happy he'll be coming home. The kids can't wait for him to return to the family.
We can not express how grateful we are to each and everyone of you. John has a slow road ahead of him so please pray for him to be patient with his recovery and for him to obey his new nurse...Nurse Laura. ha ha ha He will visit Dr. Mosher on Wednesday and at that time we find out how he is progressing. He told us it is not a quick recovery.
We love you all,
Laura and John
Hi again...
As I read the email I sent you all this morning I was so quickly reminded of ANSWERED PRAY...because of all your faithfulness to join together in prayer our prayer requests were TOTALLY answered. The results came back in "GOD" speed and John did rest better today. God is so good and I give Him all the glory. I just wanted to share my excitement with you.
"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20
This situation has really made John and I reflect on what is important in our lives...First God; Others Second and ourselves Third. We love you!! All the other things are just "stuff."
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Please Pray
Please pray for John to get rest and for God's speedy recovery. Also for the doctors to have godly wisdom in diagnosing and treatment. Laura, his wife, to be strengthened and for her to get rest as she manages the care of John and their 4 children, Keenan, Madi, Wyatt and Emmy. Some of you know my dear friend Brooke, this is her sister. (Lace and Darb, I know you would want to know this.)
Thank you, and I will update as I receive news.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election Wednesday
Well on to more delicious things. My 2 aunts, Nancy and Barb, love to cook. I think my mom does too, since she is always looking for a new recipe, yet she didn't portray it too much when I was at home. Her meals are always great, and I think my brother got that ability naturally from my mom. Well, for me my love for cooking has grown, especially with the encouragement of my neighbor Erin. Thanks, Erin. Anyway, last weekend I made this incredible fried egg with bacon and made a toast/cheese sandwich with all the fixings. Mmmm... delicious. Made me think of Aunt Barb, who can make a fried egg like you have never tasted. Cousin Mike eats his eggs by eating all the whites and tries to not crack the runny yoke to the very end. Some days he is successful and others he needs some toast to soak up the goodness.
Today Stone had his first serving of French Toast. I learned how to make French Toast by my Aunt Nancy. She always made the best, and it was a treat to help her make it when I was younger. Stone wanted to sit in Grant's high chair and eat his special toast. I love how simple things bring excitement! Well, the high chair was a hit for awhile and then off to playing.
Grant certainly enjoyed walking around while he ate his butter toast. Grant just loves to be playing. He loves the tent with the cube inside. He is the explorer and studier. So different than his brother. Stone was really into wrestling when he was 1, and Grant is just content to sit and study a new toy. This is what I imagined when I dreamed of being a Mommy. All the differences and how they would love to play with one another. That is exactly what the Lord has blessed our home with.
Today, Grandma Debby, Aunt Stacey, Gigi and Katie are going to come by for a visit, so we need to get dressed and things picked up (a little). Got to run!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Time to say thanks
I was able to read a few of my friends' blogs tonight, and one in particular needs prayers. A friend Ceci delivered her precious baby girl at 26 weeks, and Liliana is having to have an IV through Saturday. This is a really big deal, since her veins are not extremely strong. I can't get into all the technicalities of it, yet please pray for Liliana. She is a precious, precious baby girl!!! Also, pray for Ceci. She is being so strong. I just stand in awe! The Lord's handiwork is amazing and beautiful!
You know I have to say that the Lord has surrounded my life with friends that are amazing. I just want to thank each of you for pouring into my life. I pray I do the same for you. You are each prayed for in specific ways, and if time allowed it, I would love to spend more one on one time with you without interruptions. I love you girls. Thank you for loving me and understanding me. Thank you, Amanda, Amy, Brooke, Ceci, Darby, Erin, Gracey, Jana, Kate, Katie, Kelly, Lacy, Lea, Lynette, Marsha, Rosalyn, Tara, and Taylor! I love you so much.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Fall in Texas
Stone started a new Childrens Day Out (CDO) program last week. His teachers, Miss Nell and Miss Holly, are adorable. They give so many praises when I drop him off and pick up. We are blessed for Stone to be in their sweet care 2 days a week. The biggest news for Stone is that he stopped using his binker Saturday night. The process has gone GREAT! Each night he asked for his binker, and we would say, "Stone, you are a big boy. You don't need a binker." Two nights ago, I said this to him. Stone replied, "Why?" I then went into a story reminding him of his Pablo - Backyardigans birthday party when he turned 2, and Stone said, "No, I 4!" Very funny!
Grant is waving, giving kisses and has some sign language down. He is just a wonderful little guy! I can't say enough how he blesses our hearts. I am amazed how he just chills. He will play in the playroom by himself for a LONG time. Personal time will probably be important to this little one. He tries walking, but not there yet. Crawling is getting him where he needs to go, and he is quite content with that. Grant is Tyler's biggest fan! It's funny when Tyler comes home from work, if he doesn't acknowledge Grant, then Grant starts doing anything and gets louder until Tyler spends that quality time with him. He loves his Daddy!
Here are some pics the first couple are of Stone on his first day of school. Then we took shots on our trip to a pumpkin patch. So much fun! We went with our Life Group leaders, Martin and Marsha and their twins, Makeelie and Brexton. Precious family! The kids had so much fun playing on the blow up slides and bounce house, etc. We even got to go on a hay ride. Thanks guys for hanging out with us! At the end there are pics of Jud's 2 youngest kids, Isabelle and Jake (J wouldn't look at the camera. He had a smile though. Little stinker!). We enjoyed a gorgeous fall day at the park.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What a week - Fun times and tears
My mom arrived on the 1st for her 2 week visit. I had to work that day, so Kelly, Jake and Isabelle got to pick Grammy up from the airport. Grammy stayed at their house, and Stone, Grant and I were on the road early Thursday morning to get out to put our arms around Grammy. Tyler had a business trip to Austin, so we got to stay at the Keller Stones house for the night. 4 children ages 4 and under means busy fun times. They jump, jump on the big trampoline and then need some food to fuel some more jumps. So much fun!!!! The weekend was quickly here with a class at our church on Saturday morning and church that evening. We went and picked up Grammy on Sunday and she came back to our house to be here to watch the boys while I worked on Monday. Here is where God showed up....
Tuesday, October 7th I got a phone call from Tyler, who was already at work. In the midst of his tears, he asked if I was sitting down. I said, "What happened did someone die?" The answer was yes and are you sitting down. I sat on our bed and said yes. The tragic news was shared that our dear Pastor Kevin (he married us) lost his wife, Cindy, the night before. Shock! I could not believe it. Then the reality hit with sobs of tears. Questions where flying in my head and my mom was at the bed praying. Cindy had so many amazing qualities and filled with so much life. How, why, what... Dear God, please be with Pastor and the girls. Evidently, Pastor and Cindy had their date day on Monday and on their way home at 10pm in the middle of Cindy's sentence she was gone. God took her home. I got off the phone and called Taylor (their middle daughter and our babysitter). She said hey. I said hey. Then the tears flowed. Finally getting a breath, I asked if she would like company. She said yes. Stone and I went to see Tay. She was laying in bed with 3 of her girlfriends sitting with her, which gave me so much comfort to see her friends there for support. Our visit was short, yet the week was only beginning for the Eldridge family.
Wednesday evening, the church was opened for the family and friends to come share whatever was on your heart about Cindy. The things spoken were funny, sad, hilarious and heart wrenching. A precious lady was going to be extremely missed, yet left a true legacy for God's glory and for her daughters to cherish. Thursday evening held the viewing. Tyler and I arrived and there was a buzz of people talking. If you knew Cindy, you know she loved to talk about anything. Tyler said he hadn't been to a viewing where there was so much noise, and my response was Cindy would have it no other way. Tears sting my eyes as I write because a dear lady is not here to physically hug and talk to. Pastor and the girls handled everything with strength, grace and peace. We all were in amazement how the Lord was very evident in being present and holding this family up.
Friday, October 10th was the funeral and let me say the place was packed. Standing room only. People would cry and then share a laugh. Pastor's heart is to see fruit from Cindy's passing, and the testimonies have only begun. The officiator of the service, Terry Law, shared an amazing Salvation message and 70-80 people accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. The funeral was the largest the funeral home had ever hosted. God was and is about a mighty work. At the grave side, the reality really hit my heart when I saw Pastor look over the crowd and at that moment I realized he was laying to rest the love of his life. Cindy's brother spoke at the graveside and there was something different about him, though I could not hear him I just felt it. Last night, I learned that he too had accepted Christ. Praise God!
Do you see how the emotions have gone from highs to lows?! Just incredible.
In the middle of this on October 8th, my dear friend gave birth to her first baby, Liliana Faith. Lili was born at 26 weeks, yet has been doing amazingly well. God has her in the palm of his hand, and Jesse and Ceci are being the amazing parents that God created them to be. Please do keep them in your prayers, as Lili is still in NICU. I read a blog written by Jesse/Ceci and was just in awe of their strength and trust in God. I look sooooo forward to hugging Ceci and seeing precious Lili!
Friday afternoon, Tyler, the boys, my dad and I drove to Austin for my cousin Nate's wedding. The trip went fantastic. Stone and I played ball in the car, very, very fun! Grant thought it was hilarious and would do his best to toss the ball. I just love my boys. They bring me so much joy and laughter. We were late for the rehearsal, but attempted to make the rehearsal dinner. Tyler and I arrived as Uncle Jud was getting ready to say the closing prayer, yet how fun it was to see the bride and groom. Their day was just around the corner. We left the restaurant to go to a Japanese restaurant to meet Uncle Dave, Aunt Trina, Allan, Nicole, Preston, Kathryn, Uncle Brian, Dave, Uncle Al and Aunt Mahna for some good sushi. Might I add this was just some of the Stone family. What a fun weekend to see and play with the fam!!! Saturday was busy with the hustle and bustle of wedding activities and at the same time managing the boys. Tyler did an amazing job with help from my parents, Uncle Jud and Aunt Kelly. Thank you so much. It blessed me in ways that I am still realizing. The wedding began a little after 6 and how beautiful was the bride. The ceremony held tears and laughter and ended with Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Stone walking down the aisle. Dinner and dancing was lots of fun and then back on the road to arrive home at 1am.
Sunday, we tried to catch up on sleep, and then Monday we went to see Grandpa Fred and Grandma Nella. Stone got to show and tell his new bike. He loves it! Then we went to Jason's Deli to have our last lunch before Grandpa and Grammy got on a plane to go home. Grandpa Bill came and we sang happy birthday to him!!! Saying good bye to Mom and Dad in the parking lot was hard, yet I am already excited about the next time we get to see one another, not sure when that will be, probably in March when grandbaby #6 arrives. Jud and Kelly are expecting a baby girl. Yippeee!!!!
Tuesday, I worked and what a day. Taxes are due today!! Bill said I yawned a lot, which after writing this post I know why. This was a glimpse into our lives for the past week, and again I have to reiterate that the Lord showed himself faithful through the entire period. My favorite quality of the Lord is that he brings amazing peace to any situation. I am grateful for all my friends who called and supported me. Your sweet words of encouragement have blessed me beyond measure! I know without a doubt the Lord is in control of my life, and I know He desires the same for yours. Be blessed today!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Amazing Miracle
Our household has really been hit this year with sicknesses. and we have been praying for God to protect us and for Satan to stop attacking us. Well, I was praying for Stone, and God revealed to me about my issue of vanity. You see, Stone is a precious little boy who loves people and people love him. I hated seeing this nasty stuff on his skin and certainly didn't like him looking gross to others. I said, "God, I know this is about my vanity and I repent of being so vain. I really want you to heal Stone and for him to not be attacked by Satan."
Our appointment with the dermatologist was this morning. I went in the exam room with both boys in tow and started out by saying that I really didn't think we needed to be there, but here we are. I told the Nurse Practioner that we prayed for Stone's Molluscum and it is gone. She said, "Well I believe in the power of prayer. Let's take a look." She said "When did you notice the bumps?" I said, "About 2 months ago." She said, "Where were they?" All over. She said, "Well, it usually takes up to 2 years for this to go away. Did you put anything on them?" No. "Really. Wow. This is amazing." The appointment continued and finally wrapped up with an excited mom and an enlightened NP. God is so faithful and healed Stone. His skin looks like it did prior to the skin virus. The virus is gone!
God taught me a very valuable lesson that my sin has to be dealt with first and then my prayers are effective. I give God all the glory for healing Stone and for teaching me to prepare my heart for the Lord's service. God is so good!
Thank you for praying.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Run, Run, Run
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Playing with Friends
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Special Day

Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Summer is Winding Down
Well, our summer was and still remains very full. Tyler and I did get a chance to go to Chicago just the 2 of us for 3 nights and 4 days. It was wonderful. The boys survived without just beautifully. Thanks to Aunt Trina, Aunt Kelly and Grandma Debby. It was such a great trip for us to enjoy one another and get to play. I laughed at our definition of play. Jeremy and Lacy go indoor surfing and a wakeboard park, while Tyler and Adrianne go to the floor of the commodity exchange and a river archtectural tour. You might think ours wasn't as eventful, but it is absolutely hilarious how heated it gets when the brokers on the commodity floor start bidding of feeder cattle or live hogs. You think I am kidding? And definitely don't miss the river tour of Chicago, just beautiful and lots of great history.
Home front news is that our house is for sale. We loved Chicago so much we are moving there. Just kidding. We told that to my aunt while we were in Chicago and she was home with Grant. The other end of the phone was speachless. Quite comical. Our house is on the market. We have an opportunity to potentially make a move into a family development project, so we are going to see what happens. If nothings goes, then neither do we. The best part of having your house on the market is you learn the habit of keeping everything clean and picked up. The downer is you never know when you have to get out for a showing. With 2 little guys not an easy task to just get out.
The little guys are great. Stone is learing about Jonah at church. He comes home so excited and telling everything the teachers have taught him. The funniest part was he put his little hand up to the side of his mouth, made his voice deep and loud and yelled, "Jonah. Go to Ninevah." Brought his voice back to normal and said, "God told Jonah and Jonah say, "no way, no way, no way." His memory verse is Deuteronomy 5:27. Hilarious when he says Deuteronomy. Grant is adorable. Trying to walk, but not there yet. He is crawling everywhere and pulling up without a hitch. He likes to just yell and wait for you to do it back to him and can repeat this for however long you would like to play. Quite funny! He also go Oh, oh! a lot. Just precious. 2 boys and 2 different presonalities. Next summer is going to be fun!
Well, 1 boy is up from his nap and the other to be up soon. Love to all my friend and family. By the way pictures will be coming. We have this great archival system of our digitals the worst part is my laptop isn't always connected to the storage hard drive. How inconvenient is that...not along take time to type, but now i have to find a usb cord. Being a mommy is hard. :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A Hello is in Order
- Celebrated Thanksgiving
- I had a baby, Stephen Grant Kruse, on November 28, 2007. He goes by Grant.
- My dad flew in to surprise us after Grant's arrival.
- Celebrated Christmas
- Went back to work for 2 days a week - Stone went to a kids day out program and Grant stayed with Grandma Debby.
- Got through tax season.
- Month of April - Mother of 2 began to get noticablly easier
- Month of May - Started potty training Stone, and Grant started crawling.
- Month of June - Tyler took his level 2 CFA exam. Stone had hernia surgery, and Grant is the most precious little guy.
- Month of July - We are enjoying our summer!!!
God has been so good to us. This past weekend Tyler and I got to attend a marriage conference here in town, and the one thing we came away with was to memorize and meditate (M&M) scripture. The speaker used M&M's to push this point home, so when you eat an M&M remember to memorize and meditate on some scripture. We all have beliefs in our hearts - deadly beliefs and Godly beliefs. To get rid of deadly beliefs, you have to use scripture to write the Godly belief on your heart.
Last evening, I got to go to my Wives Club meeting at a friend Georgia's house. Georgia had a beautiful meal prepared for us, and she shared the roles of a wife. One scripture that really stood out to me is Philippians 2:3-4 (my 1st memory verse). Tyler and I are arming ourselves to get Godly beliefs written on our heart. Out of the heart the mouth speaks, and how many times would my mouth benefit our family if my heart was full of Godly beliefs.
Here is an example: Stone and Grant were taking their evening bath before wives club, and Stone was not cooperating like I wanted. He wasn't thinking of being clean, rather so enjoying being in the tub with Grant. Anyway, I told Stone to stand up so I could wash him, and in 2 seconds Stone was sitting back down. This happened 3 times. I looked Stone in the eyes, and said, "Grrrrrr." He laughed so hard, and at that moment God softed my heart I laughed along with him. It was as if God was saying, "Take it easy and enjoy the moment with your boys. Don't be in such a hurry to race out the door. You can go without makeup. I have a purpose here for you as a Mommy, and don't miss the blessing I have for you - the joy of your 2 sons loving each other." Bath time ended with 2 clean boys and 3 happy, joyful hearts!!
Well, it feels good to have a post done, and thank you again to Loren and Lacy for getting me to write. I love you two girls, and am praying for your lives to be richly blessed and for God to help you through the struggles.